Books, books and more books to read

Happy Tuesday everyone.

How was your week?

Today, I would like to share to you some of the books that I have read so far.
When this year started one of my goal is to read more books as much as I can. I said to myself that this is the easiest way to keep on learning.

One of my new year's resolution is to read one good book every month and I committed to reading at least 30 minutes every day in order to achieve that goal.

This is what I read in January.
It is the life story of Valerie Bertenelli. She shared her story about her weight struggles and how she overcome them in order to live a meaningful life.

This is the book that I read during the month of hearts. Hahaha.
Very timely. I like this book because I learned so much about the season that I am in right now. Even up to this time I would once in awhile re-read some of the chapters to remind myself about the beauty of singlehood. I would recommend this book to all the single ladies who are still waiting for their OTL (One True Love). This book will allow you to enjoy your life being single. 

In March I read a book entitled Eat Well, Get Well. 
One also of my goals this year is to try to be more healthy. What I meant by that is to make healthy choices by eating more serving of fruits and vegetables. This is an effort that we need to do as a family meal after meal and day after day.
This book will help you understand how food can heal you.

And this month this is the book that I read.
I am amazed how Bianca Gonzalez put everything into this book. I am glad that I can still apply some of her advises into my life. The ladies who are still in their early twenties will benefit from reading this book.

“We will be the same person in 5 years that we are today except for 2 things: the people we meet and the book we read” - Charles Jones

Have a great week everyone. :)
