There is always an odd feeling when it is your birthday and the thought of turning a year older.
If there is one thing that I am excited about it is the opportunities that are coming my way. I can feel that the universe is conspiring to make way in making my dreams happen.
Finally, after a 2 years of procrastinating I am finally writing this blog. It has been my dream to have a platform where I can share my thoughts, my adventures, my projects, my daily struggles and some dose of happiness. That is my aim in creating this blog.
My life right now is not perfect but it is way better that what I have imagined. I finally reached a point where I can say that I found the things that will truly make me happy. I am now comfortable with who I am and finally accepted all my flaws.
Last year I traveled to Davao. My friend and I explored the city and the beautiful island of Samal and Isla Reta. This year I opted to skip travelling on my actual birthday and just decided to do a simple celebration with my family. I do not want to think that today is just ordinary, it is special because it is my birthday. :)
Today I would like to honor and thank my family who has been very supportive of me -
To my best friends, college barkada, my co-servants at the ministry, my team mates whom I consider my second family; people I’ve met online who became my life pegs and idols and to everyone whom I considered as part of my life. You helped me to keep me on my feet and motivate me to keep going and inspiring. Thank YOU. I wouldn't be who I am without you all.
As I turn twenty nine, I only hope for the best. I pray that God will continue to direct my path to things that I am passionate about- that He would bless all the works of my hands and all the projects that I am going to work as I give glory to Him. May I constantly be reminded that I am good enough and I will be able to achieve everything that I want even if the roads will not be easy because I have what it takes to pursue the dreams that God has planted in my heart.
Here is to hoping that this year will bring more adventures, more amazing opportunities to create crafts and arts, achieve goals, and inspire others, and travel to more places.
Happy Birthday to me and to everyone who is also celebrating their birthday. :)
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