Favorite Blog Reads This Week

This is a new category that I will start posting on my blog. Every week, I will share some of the good reads and inspiration that I found online. I love getting inspiration from the people that I admire. I am so happy to know that most of the people that I follow in Instagram is writing their own blogs.

Please do check them out and leave the blogger a comment! :)

1.Imperfect Dating - I love her blog posts about single life. I have been an avid reader of blog. This post made me realize one thing when said "no one stays the same forever. Therefore do not fixate on the things that you see in the person that you like or don’t like todaybecause even that is not forever"

2.FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) - Have your ever felt that you are missing a lot because you have been too busy with all sort of things. Have you felt that you are the only person who doesn't know the latest trends in the Hollywood or politics. You might want to read this post.

3.Ways to Soothe Your Soul - This is a reminder that we need to allow our soul to hang out with our heart and the truth that we believe in.

4. Pulling Together Neutral Basics - I am really not into fashion but I like dressing up and I am fond of looking for inspiration. I am constantly checking her blog posts because I can feel that I can do her style. 

Give these blogs a visit! I hope you get inspired too after reading their blogs.

Have a great week everyone :)
