Welcoming the New Year

Oh hello 2016. Probably some of you just like me you are still enjoying your vacation, but some of you are also back at work.

I can say that 2015 was a great year, it wasn't what I expected it to be. There are still prayers that are left unanswered, but I am grateful for the small and big blessings and also what was in between.

This post was actually intended as year end post but I cannot seem to put all my thoughts into just one paragraph so let me just take this opportunity to thank all the people who became part of my 2015, some may no longer be part of 2016 but I will always hold them dearly in my heart and will always treasure that lessons that I learned while being with them. 

Thank you for all the challenges, difficulties, hurt and sadness that I felt and experienced, it made me a better version of myself. I am always a believer that everything happens for a reason. I might still not understand why certain things happened but I am putting my hope to God who holds and knows everything about me.

This is a new year, a new day and a new chapter of our life. Anything and is everything is possible and that should be enough reason to wake up each day and start making our dreams come true.
